Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hey, we're getting a little soggy here!

Forecast is clearing off today and sunny all week. Very welcome after this week of mostly cloudy and intermittent rain. From Lexington south and eastward, they have gotten way more than this.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Occasional showers...

I didn't empty the gage yesterday, so this is a running total.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I think I'll turn the sprinkler system off, at least for this week, with rain predicted off and on all week. This is what we got between this morning. The sassafras trees in my front yard are trying to tell us it's fall, now. Starting about the first of Sept., random leaves quickly change to a deep red. They are not very big trees, 4 of them between my yard and Kathy's.
I have one lone sunflower bloom. Here it is in 'negative' colors.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Views from the front door this morning.

After morning coffee in the front screen porch, watching the traffic go by in the rain, I got the camera, opened the screendoor, and took a shot...Oops, forgot to turn off the flash. It was darker than I realized, I guess. No, that is not hail. Interesting reflections in the in the individual raindrops. I'll have to try this at night sometime. Not the best picture, but here's the shot without flash. And the view from my front door to Kathy's, just after the shower was over. I like the reflection in the wet bricks.